A horse will not go if you don't make it.
You can't work hard if you're not thinking.
No one needs gold if you have heart.
If you work hard when you're young, you will not have to work as hard when you are older.
A gold egg still tastes like an egg.
Beauty on the inside is better than beauty on the outside.
Don't be afraid, keep on forward.
A heart is better than power.
When you work hard, your dreams come closer.
The wind powers the sail.
We also began our stock market game. The students are working in pairs for the game. First they had to decide on a good name for their team. Then they worked together to decide how to spend $100,000. They can buy as many different stocks as they want, but have to buy at least 100 shares of each. Every Friday we will check the status of our portfolios and will make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell. Here are some photos of them working to buy their first stocks and their group names.
The Seabury Stockers:
J-K (not the full name for privacy purposes):
In Science, we discussed the 12 different types of finches that can be found on the Galapagos Islands. Each type has a different beak type, so we experimented on how that difference would influence their diet. Using popsicle sticks and pennies, we created 2 different sized beaks and used them to pick up small and large seeds. The students had to draw some conclusions about how the beak size affected the diet of the birds, both in a normal year, as well as a drought year when seeds are not as plentiful.