Friday, September 28, 2012

Week of September 24

Writing: This week in writing we are still working on our summer vacation stories, but we also did a few other things. We made posters about colorful words so we don't use the same words over again.  We have a poster called "Said is Dead", "Bad is Sad", "Good is Bad", "Like is Last and Evil", "Pretty is a Pity", "Happy", and "Sad is Dead".  We will work more to use these words in our stories.

EnviroChallenger: We talked about dangerous materials this week and saw things to look for that are not good for you.  We played Bingo to learn about toxic and nontoxic materials.  We got a bracelet if we got a Bingo.  We also found out how to use common products instead of toxic ones, like ground cinnamon keeps fruit flies and gnats away.  

Brownie Points: We are 3 brownies away from earning a brownie party!

Million Dollars: Some people have gotten some really cool prizes already and others are saving up to get 20.

Math: We are working on rounding and decimals (4th grade).  We started the Stock Market Game this week.  Most of us are doing pretty good.  One of our teams is in 1st place out of 8 teams in the region.  We learned how it works and we also investigated different businesses to maybe buy.  We got to buy some stocks on the computer.

Social Studies: This week we went to the computer lab and looked at the different issues for Romney and Obama and took notes for one issue.

Science: We are still studying Chemistry.  We studied chromatography, where ink separates, and we did a salt water filter.

Language Arts:  We started our new novels.  We are using sticky notes to mark words we don't know and what is happening in the story.  We have to look up the words in the dictionary, write a summary, and then answer 1 question about the book.  

Weekly Wisdom for the Week: It's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try.

Art: We did optical illusions.  Also we had fun sketching during free time.  We have had a lot of fun with all of the things we have done this school year.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week of September 17

Weekly Wisdom: Weekly wisdom is wise words that help us through our week. Our new weekly wisdom comes on the Monday morning meeting. We have new weekly wisdom every week. Every Monday our teacher, Mrs. Price puts our old weekly wisdom on the wall. Our weekly wisdom this week was do the right thing even if no one is looking. Weekly wisdom is why we have good weeks.

Math: We are working on tests to see what math chapter we should be on. We have two math groups the purple group and the green group. The purple group is working on turning fractions into decimals. the green group is working on estimation, word problems, and place values. 

In social studies we studied the election and we did a packet on the election. It was fun!

Brownie Party: This week our class had a party, a brownie party that is!!  The brownies were delish and Mrs. Price (a.k.a Mrs. Fabulous) said she would make a different type of brownie every time we got 12 points.

Reading: It is fun.  We have to read a chapter book.  We can't read picture books.  We have new books about presidents.  We wrote down 2 book choices from the selection.  Then Mrs. Price chose one of those and we have to read it.  After we read chapter 1, we found 3 words or more that we don't know.  Then we have to look it up in the dictionary and write it down in our reading notebook.  Then we find another person with the same book and read the chapter together and talk about it.

Performing Arts: In Performing Arts we played the xylophone and we played an awesomely cool game called the Essence Machine. 

Recess: Hi, it's me, the reporter.  And I'm here to tell you about the Creator's recess.  So, usually we play four-square or we just hand out at the big toy.  

Pizza: This was really good this week.

PE: PE is awesome and fun and cool and really makes you sweat.  This week we went to the park and it was really fun!

Math Games: This week we played Multiplication War!  It is fun!

Science: We mixed ingredients like flour and sugar.  The flour had low solubility and sugar had a high solubility.

Writing: In writing some people are still working on "The Case of the Missing Summer Vacation" and some of us are on publish.Some people have 10-11 pages and some have 3 but with tiny hand writing."The Case of the Missing  Summer Vacation" is obviously a mystery  and there's kids who have different  variations of the  mystery. 

Well that all the time we have. You've been working with the Creators. Have a great day.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week of September 10th

Our Weekly Wisdom for the week was "Make Today Ridiculously Amazing." We did!

Morning Meeting: We came up with a new secret handshake, in this case it was a foot shake.  We are working on good audience behavior and good eye contact when talking with others.  

Gathering: This week we talked about the Hunger Walk.  Please see the sign-up in today's Friday Folder.  It is going to be very fun this year and we hope you come.  We are having a food drive that starts on Monday.  Please donate non-perishable food.  We also sang the banana slug song for the first time.

Language Arts: Wordly Wise is a vocabulary packet that we have to finish by the end of the week.  We had a spelling test on it that was very fun.  We wrote summaries about a story we read.  We used sticky notes to help us write the summaries, to ask questions and think about vocabulary.  

Math: We divided into 2 groups for math this week.  Everyone worked on place value, comparing and ordering numbers, and the purple group worked on decimals.  We played Number Top-It for our math game.

French: We have been learning about transportation.  We played lots of fun games too.

Writing: We are still writing about the Case of the Missing Summer Vacation.  We learned about how to peer conference and we learned how to proofread.  Most people are still working on their rough drafts.  

Science: We did some awesome science experiments about States of Matter.  We learned everything is a state of matter that isn't in a vacuum.  

Social Studies: We learned about the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and why people came over in the first place.

Fun activities: In art we made 3-D hands.  We are 1 away from earning a Brownie party.  Also, many people bought coupons with their million dollars.  We also got a new trampoline.  If you are working hard, you get to jump on it for 30 seconds.  You can do all sorts of things on it, but you have to hold onto the handrail.  It is fun.  

Here we are with our new trampoline!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week of September 3rd

Week of September 3rd

Our Week (as written by the Creators)!

We do lots of great things during the week.  Here are some of the things we did this week!

The Creators:  The third and fourth grade class voted for our class team name.  The winner of the vote was the Creators.  The name Creators is a good team class name because our class is very creative.  We also love to make stuff and do art.  The Creators is definitely the best name for our class.

Morning Meeting: So what we do for Morning Meeting is we talk about upcoming events and stuff about what we are doing that day.  Also we talk about our schedule with our morning meeting leader.  After that we do a secret handshake and brain breaks.  And that is Morning Meeting!

Brownie Points: Our class has this cool arrangement where if the whole class cooperates then we get a Brownie Point.  If the class gets 12 points then the whole class gets brownies!  Wow!!!

Million Dollar Bills: We get 1 million dollar bill for doing good things.  If we get 10 million dollar bills we get to choose something from the binder.  In the binder there is something like show and tell.

Math: In math, we took a test to determine our math level.

Flag: We are still having a little trouble, but we are working on it.

Language Arts:  In Language Arts (which is reading) we read a story called, "Thank You, Ma'm."  Then we did a worksheet, then we took a test about it.

Science: On Thursday we started Chemistry.  We learned about: matter, properties, and physical changes.

Writing: I just think that getting a book in public readers' hands would be an achievement.  We are writing a story called, "The Case of the Missing Summer Vacation."  It will be a total hit!

During Math Games we play Name That Number.  It is when you have a target card and you have 5 other cards and you use the 5 cards to make a math problem that totals the target card.  

In art we made self portraits and paper arms.  The one I made did not look anything like me.  On our arms we wrote our goals for the year.

And that is the week according to the Creators!  Hope you enjoyed it.  Tune in next Friday for another post!

The Creators after a great first week!