Friday, April 18, 2014

Week of April 14

We have been writing a variety of poems this month for National Poetry Month.  So far, the students have written an acrostic poem, a rhyming poem, a tanka poem, and a haiku. 

A tanka poem has 5 lines, with a pattern of 2 words, 3 words, 2 words, 3 words, 3 words.  The students wrote tanka poems on a paper bag kite that they made.  They were asked to write their poem about what it would be like to be a kite. Here are the students' tanka poems.

Up high,
In the sky.
Very fast,
Blowing very hard
In the clouds.

Flying High
Flying high,
In the sky.
Fun, scary,
All those feelings.
Flying is amazing.

Kite High
Really high,
Couldn't be stopped.
Really scared,
In the air,
Fast and high.

Way up,
In the clouds.
I fly
With the birds.
I feel content.

Ducks fly,
Soaring up high.
Higher up,
Up they go.
Flying very high.

To Fly
So fast,
Up to high,
Incredibly fun
In the sky.
That's to fly.

Soaring high
In the sky.
Flying peacefully
Like graceful swans.
The wind blusters.

Kite Park
Many kites
Flying so high.
The wind
Blows much
Until nobody's there.

No Thanks
No, nuh-uh.
Don't make me.
Please no.
Flying isn't my
Cup of tea.

In the Sky
Kites fly,
In the sky
So high,
Everything is small.
Very very small.

Howling Tornado
Cold sky,
Air is fast.
Howling wind.
Kite, a kite,
A beautiful kite.

In flight
Very high
In the clouds
Soaring up.
In blasting wind
Scary, but fun.

Flying High
In air
High in sky
Sky high
Aloft in sky.
Fly so high. 

We also had a great time building our found object sculptures.  The students were asked to make a sculpture of an actual item using objects.  Students could decide if they want to paint the sculptures with a bronze paint or leave them ask they were.  Here are the sculptures. 



We also had a wonderful time cooking and eating Greek food.  The students made Greek cookies and spanakopita today.  The kids loved getting their hands all dirty with dough and butter as they created the delicious food. 

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