Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week of February 4

Language Arts: In LA we are reading books about the Civil War.  Then we journal about them.  There are 3 books-The Boys' War, I'll Pass for your Comrade, and Bull Run.  The girls finished their book and are reading another.  That's what we are doing in LA.

Math: We did some pages in our math book.  We also did  The math pages were fun.  Xtramath was even more fun!

Writing: This week in writing we are still doing our Civil War diaries and hopefully we finish them by next week.

Social Studies: We are working on FFF (Forum of Famous Faces).  Right now, we're writing information on note cards and sorting them in labeled pouches in a folder.  It's pretty cool.  When we're done, we're going to do a report.  Also we are making a tri-fold board, a presentation, and we get to dress up like our person. It'll be fun.

Science: In science we have been looking at water samples.  One has a fly in it (ick and ew!).  But it's also yum and taste bud!  It's pretty cool, the germs!  Can you believe what is crawling up your shoulder?  Woohoo! Oh yeah, groovy! (You must read this in a high pitched singish voice)

Computer: We made charts using Excel in computers.  This is what charts we did.  We did pie charts, donut charts and all sorts of charts.  We made charts for how many deaths were in battles of the Civil War, lots of wars, and of diseases.

Free Time: At free time we are doing a puzzle.  We first did a 300 piece puzzle.  We got a new puzzle that has 500 pieces because the cleaners finished our first one!

Brownie Points: We are two brownie points away from a brownie party.  We are trying to earn one for Monday.  Cross your fingers!

Pizza Party: We got a pizza party on Wednesday from Little Caesars for having the most walkers and donations for the Hunger Walk in the Fall.  We made a thank you card for Little Caesars.

Art: For art we are participating in the Google Doodle contest.  You had to draw it on the best day ever.

Silent Reading: So in silent reading we're reading reading things like Harry Potter, Taran Wanderer, and Percy Jackson books.  But most people are reading the classics like Peter Pan and Dracula, or better yet, Ivanhoe and King Arthur.

PE: This week in PE we are doing swimming lessons.  This week is the last swim week.  Everyone got better at swimming.  We go on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Performing Arts: We have played on our recorder.  Two songs were "When the Saints Go Marching in" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."  That's it, bye!

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